Database System Final Project(Cufis)
Team Member:
- Fiqhy Bismadhika – 2101714824
- Georgious Kurli – 2101704571
- Vincent Joyan – 2101699672
Service in concern: Restaurant search and discovery service
Who doesn’t like food? Food has always and will be everyone’s primary need, but sometimes we might get tired of the dishes we eat. People crave exotic meals and new meals different from their daily lives such as region unique dishes. With that problem our team discovered a solution in a form of online service.
Purpose of service:
Our service provides convenience for everyone who seeks traditional dishes or other exotic restaurants. With the usage of our service we want to give our users the best possible experience in enjoying meals they may have never tasted before.
Service details:
- Provides a list of restaurants with certain filters set by the user
- Provides the user information regarding the restaurant’s details
- Provides rating based on other user’s experience
ER Diagram
Relational Scheme
Final project update:
- Ability to login as Administrator
- Administrators are able to add, modify, and delete restaurants information and details
- Design changes
My contribution to the project:
My main responsibility is for this project is the creation of the application. Vincent created the admin side of the application and Fiqhy altered the fonts, background and overall look of the app.